December 6

I woke up to the sound of my host mother knocking on the door to wake my host sister and I for my first day of school with her. We quickly got ready and made our way to school to meet all the other exchange students and get ready for the long day ahead of us. We all attended classes with our hosts and found ourselves paying attention to all the different teaching styles and the different environments as compared to our classes back in Brien McMahon.
The school day ended and we quickly got prepared for our trip to sealine, which is an area in Qatar where one can camp out or scale the dunes while still enjoying the view of the water. The ride to sealine was about an hour and some people decided to talk with their friends while others decided to catch up on some sleep.
When we finally arrived at sealine everyone was immediately stunned by the beautiful view that was right in front of us. The host for our campout in the desert showed us the way to where we’d be staying for the rest of the day and later gave us the explanation and instructions for the dinner we would be having that night. The host explained the process of preparing and actually cooking buried meat and how even though it was a long process, it was one of the best ways to cook the meat.
We ended up waiting for about three hours for the meat to be cooked, but during that time we made some unforgettable memories. All of us walked up the steep sand dunes to watch the sunset and take many amazing pictures.

We also watched many cars scale the sand dunes at extremely high speeds. Later in the evening, some decided to take a dip in the water while some decided to rest and enjoy the views surrounding us. It ended up being a memorable night as we enjoyed the delicious food and sat by the campfire as we all got to know each other much better.

-Fatima Elsheikh


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