November 28 and 29

The flight to Madrid was not up to most people’s standards, but overall I thought it was a good flight. When we got to Madrid we bought some food at the convenience store and explored all the expensive stores that were everywhere in that terminal. The wait for our flight was somewhat long, but we had Bitlife, so we were fine. On the flight to Casablanca I slept so well. Arriving in Casablanca made the trip feel so real and a wave happiness struck me.

We went through customs and then outside. It was very warm and all the signs were written in Arabic. We waited at the corner of the street for a van to transport us to Rabat, where we would be staying. The drive was quite long, but all of the scenery was so cool. However, it would not compare to what we would see later on, which was so much more beautiful. First, we arrived at the Bridges Cultural Center, where we met the teachers and administrators. Their English was very good. They had lunch prepared for us and we were served this amazing Moroccan chicken with bread.
After lunch our hosts arrived and took us to where we would be staying. Our host sister was so nice. I’m pretty sure that everyone just chilled that night at the house and got accustomed with our hosts. The dinner they served us in our house was so delicious. It was this pasta dish that was about 10 pounds. I don’t know how they expected us to eat that. Finally, we went to sleep after such a long day of travelling. The first two days were so much fun!

This is the Sunset in Casablanca when we arrived!

-Jackson Lovas


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